Key information
Oxford University and its colleges
The University of Oxford is made up of over 70 colleges, libraries, museums and parks. Filming permission is negotiated with each location directly.
The LOCO locations library contains info and contact details for several of those film-friendly and iconic university locations. If you can’t find what you are looking for there, contact the individual colleges or Conference Oxford or the University’s Media Unit.
For filming on the iconic Radcliffe Square contact Brasenose College on 01865 277830, email conference.manager@bnc.ox.ac.uk, who coordinates filming for all of the interested parties. If filming from the tarmac road section on Catte Street then you need to get permission from Oxfordshire County Council.

Oxfordshire County Council
For filming on the public highway/footpaths within the City and throughout Oxfordshire you need permission from Oxfordshire County Council who are the Highways Authority. To find out more about getting permits – information needed, costs, timescales and insurance, please go to their filming permits page, or email filming@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Oxford City Council
The Culture and Events team deals with all filming permits in city council-owned properties, open spaces, parks, countryside sites, the Covered Market, South Park, Bonn Square and Gloucester Green. View a list of venues and application forms and fees.
Call 01865 249811 or email events@oxford.gov.uk
Filming for News
Accredited news outlets/agencies wishing to film on Oxford City Council land for a broadcast and/or streamed news programme should contact the Press Office pressoffice@oxford.gov.uk who will be in contact regarding your filming. You do not need to complete the standard filming application forms through the council Events & Filming team.
For news media featuring the University of Oxford in the storyline/content, please email the University Press Office at news.office@admin.ox.ac.uk

Parking in Oxford City

For all OFF STREET parking in Oxford contact the City Council parking team on 01865 252489 or email your requirements to carparks@oxford.gov.uk who will forward your request to the appropriate person.
For all ON STREET parking enquiries in the city including district areas you need to email the Oxfordshire County Council Parking Enforcement Team parking@oxfordshire.gov.uk. Should you require bay suspensions (please note these are for Technical Vehicles to park ONLY) you should complete the online application form: Requesting a suspension of parking controls | Oxfordshire County Council
Parking in the County
It is best to go directly to the relevant District Councils for both on street and off street parking enquiries – see below ‘Filming on Council property’ for links. Note that all ‘no waiting’ yellow lines outside the City of Oxford are the responsibility of Thames Valley Police.
Cherwell District Council
(Banbury, Bicester)
Tel 01295 227001
West Oxfordshire District Council
(Witney, Chipping Norton, Cotswolds)
Tel 01993 861000
Vale of White Horse District Council
(Abingdon, Faringdon, Wantage)
Tel 01235 520202
South Oxfordshire District Council
(Thame, Didcot, Henley, Wallingford)
Tel 01491 823000
Waterways and canals
Filming from the towpath in Oxford City

To film on the Thames Path in Oxford City contact Oxford City Council. Permission from the landowner should also be sought by the applicant in case of any dispute over rights to film footage. See land registry for details www.landregistry.co.uk
Filming on the Oxford Canal

All filming on the Oxford Canal and its towpath is the responsibility of Canal and River Trust.
Contact filming.photography@canalrivertrust.org.uk or call 0778 836 65 30. You can apply for a permit directly at www.filmapp.org/canalrivertrust
Filming from the towpath outside the City

Filming from a boat or the bank
Filming on the river itself or the riverbank where a footpath is not present is the responsibility of the Environment Agency, contact the Environment Agency press office for Oxfordshire on 08001412743 or communications_se@environment-agency.gov.uk

Drone filming
General Information
Drone Operators must (as a minimum) hold a valid Operator ID and Flyer ID from the Civil Aviation Authority.
For drones weighing over 250 grams, additional certifications and permissions will be required:
- The A2 Certificate of Competency (A2 CofC) may be adequate if a minimum horizontal distance of 50m can be maintained from the public.
- A GVC (General Visual Line of Sight Certificate) and an Operational Authorisation from the CAA is required to overfly the public at a minimum height of 50m.
- An Operational Safety Case (OSC) is required to overfly the public at a reduced proximity (e.g. 10 metres).
Flying from Oxford County Council locations
Commercial film shoots wishing to fly drones from land owned or managed by Oxfordshire County Council (on or next to a road) will need a permit.

Flying at University of Oxford locations
The drone Operator will need a single point-of-contact at the department or college (a ‘Departmental Coordinator or DC), and provide them with all the necessary documentation regarding the operation, including a flight plan, risk assessment and insurance certificate.
The DC will then need to liaise with the various stakeholders for permission. These include:
- Estates Services
estates.communications@admin.ox.ac.uk - Safety Office
enquiries@safety.ox.ac.uk - Insurance Office
insurance@admin.ox.ac.uk - UAS Security Control
security.control@admin.ox.ac.uk - Security Service Updates
Parks & outdoor venues

In Oxford City, there are many beautiful parks for which filming permits need to be obtained. View a useful outdoor venue guide.
The most popular park for a good view of the city’s dreaming spires is South Park. View listings of all other parks.
For the Oxford University parks, please contact the admin team.
For any parks in the county’s attractive market towns, contact either the Oxford County council on 01865 792422 or the relevant district council:
Cherwell District Council
(Banbury, Bicester)
Tel 01295 227001
West Oxfordshire District Council
(Witney, Chipping Norton, Cotswolds)
Tel 01993 861000
Vale of White Horse District Council
(Abingdon, Faringdon, Wantage)
Tel 01235 520202
South Oxfordshire District Council
(Thame, Didcot, Henley, Wallingford)
Tel 01491 823000